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How expensive are headhunters really?

When headhunters negotiate with potential customers, the fee is also discussed. Here it may be that a contract cannot be concluded due to the high costs. A classic conversation on the topic of costs sounds like this:

Customer: “The costs are too high, unfortunately they are too expensive.”

Headhunter: “The costs are too high compared to what or who?”

Customer: “Compared to the costs of our in-house recruiting.”

Headhunter: “And how high are your in-house recruiting costs?”

Customer: “To be honest, we can’t say exactly.”

The crux of the matter lies in the uncertainty about the cost of your own recruiting measures. The costs of a headhunter, on the other hand, are clearly defined from the start and are discussed transparently in advance. Some companies are unclear about how much their efforts actually cost. This cost factor is usually significantly higher than originally estimated. For an effective calculation, some additional factors should be included in the calculation. (The costs for this vary in every company):

  • Advertising design for print and online media by the marketing department

  • Costs for placing job advertisements (print and online)

  • internal briefings and coordination between HR, marketing and specialist departments

  • Viewing and evaluating applications

  • Appointment coordination, job interviews and job interviews

  • high damage caused by incorrect appointments (reorganization of the entire process)

  • High cost of vacancy due to long time-to-hire

Compared to in-house recruiting, the costs for a headhunter are often not only cheaper, but are also associated with a reduced risk.

Talk to us and let us advise you!

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